Osteochondrosis occurs in women about twice as often as in men. These reasons lie in the peculiarities of anatomy and physiology, as well as the way of life, traditional ideas.
The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women and their treatment are usually similar to those found in men. But there are also special cases due to biological differences.
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in young and mature women
It was previously believed that most cases of osteochondrosis occur in "over 50" women. But in recent years, cervical osteochondrosis has “returned fresh”, its detection in 30-year-old women is no longer rare.
Manifestations of osteochondrosis in women and men are similar: pain during movement, headache, headache, vision and hearing impairment, limb numbness, chin, facial features. Less often than men, women experience nausea. But the prerequisites for the manifestation of disease symptoms in representatives of different sexes are different. In men, this is more often due to injury and excessive stress.
In women, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis depend on other factors.
- Objectively, women have weaker muscles and bones - this is physiological. Thus, a woman’s spine experiences more severe stress. From a man. Due to the lack of muscular corsets.
- Hormonal factors affect the condition of the spine. Thus, the appearance and exacerbation of osteochondrosis in young women provokes pregnancy and menstruation, in adult women - the onset of menopause.
- Women traditionally do many types of homework that require little inclination. It is not good for the neck. One of the signs of damage to the 7th cervical vertebrae even got the name "female" - "widow hump" or "household roller". In men, these symptoms practically do not occur.
- Other types of work with the head slightly tilted forward bring the same result. This position should be taken at a computer or desk, and among women there are many representatives of "inactive" professions (teachers, secretaries, cashiers, couriers).
- Older women who have reached retirement age, under the influence of absurd traditions, "waves themselves. " They stop monitoring their weight and lead an unstable lifestyle. This is a good condition for osteochondrosis.
- Women experience dietomania more often than men. Violation of nutritional balance leads to the emergence of osteochondrosis and its deterioration.
These factors are unavoidable. But you can detect the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women in time, and the treatment will give positive results.
Pain syndrome: what can happen with cervical osteochondrosis
Pain is one of the main symptoms of osteochondrosis. But it is important to know what can happen to cervical osteochondrosis. This is necessary in order not to treat any disease that is ineffective, not osteochondrosis and not to miss the threatening signs disguised as osteochondrosis.

More often, with osteochondrosis, there is pain in the neck: sharp when moving or dull, pain for a long time. But this pain immediately indicates a spinal lesion. It is worse when given to a completely different organ. This is due to compression of the deformed vertebrae and discs of nerve roots and blood vessels.
- The head may ache in different areas (depending on which vertebra is damaged). Such pain can be confused with migraine, neuritis, manifestations of VSD.
- Sometimes shoulder pain occurs, especially when trying to lift an arm. There is no point in treating bursitis.
- Pain can radiate to the entire arm. These symptoms usually occur on one side only.
- The most dangerous option is pain in the chest or under the shoulder blades. It can be confused with signs of heart disease, even myocardial infarction. It does not matter if osteochondrosis forces you to bother a cardiologist. Worse if the first signs of a heart attack are mistaken for osteochondrosis.
The intensity of pain can vary. In the early stages, there is periodic and dull lumbago pain due to muscle tension. But with the development of the disease, lumbago can become completely intolerable and deprive patients of the opportunity to move their head at all.
Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome in women
If this phenomenon occurs in the lower back, it is usually called radiculitis. The point is in the compression of nerve roots extending from the spinal cord by defective vertebral and intervertebral discs.
Radicular syndrome manifests itself as severe symptoms - severe pain and inflammation, dizziness, fainting, panic attacks. It occurs only if the disease is treated poorly or not at all. This is an increase in danger for women in our country - they tend to "survive", "ignore the little things" or feel satisfied with folk remedies, and this is not always acceptable.
Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome cannot be treated on its own. It occurs when the changing disc is already protruding, forming a hernia, and growth has formed on the vertebral body. Serious diagnostics and professional effects on the spine are needed to stop this process. And significant symptoms can not be eliminated by home methods.
Cervical osteochondrosis in women in the acute stage
Exacerbations of osteochondrosis occur periodically in all patients. You can determine the onset of exacerbation by increasing the manifestation of new symptoms and appearance (increased pain, headache or fainting appear, impaired vision, insomnia. . . ). In women, snoring during sleep can also be a sign of worsening. But it is more important to know the reasons why it can cause deterioration. And avoid them or get ready to fight the disease.

Common cases - sharp lifestyle changes, great physical activity, infectious diseases, stress, trauma. But women also have certain body conditions that can lead to deterioration of well-being.
- Worried about being overweight, women tend to opt for a tiring diet. And no one is interested in how this will affect health. And a radical diet can cause serious harm to the spine.
- If there is osteochondrosis, women should expect it to worsen during menstruation or pregnancy.
- The same thing can happen when using hormonal contraceptives - osteochondrosis is sensitive to hormonal balance. It affects the health of the joints.
- Menopause is a serious factor affecting the spine. Older women should pay close attention to themselves. Yet the majority of patients with osteochondrosis are their age.
Cervical osteochondrosis in women in the acute stage is treated in the same way as in men. In some cases, hormone therapy (or its cancellation) may be needed. You can not act alone, home treatment is used during the remission period.
Treatment of neck osteochondrosis in women: features
Strictly speaking, no. Women are shown the same medication as men:
- analgesics;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- muscle relaxation for muscle relaxation;
- drugs to normalize blood pressure and relieve vascular spasms;
- vitamin complex;
- chondroprotectors for cartilage tissue recovery.
These drugs may be offered in the form of injections (in severe cases), tablets, or topical treatment. They are prescribed by a doctor. He also recommends massage and physiotherapy procedures - without it, treatment of osteochondrosis is not possible. Rehabilitation gymnastics is a must, and it is the same for both women and men.
Women are often given sedatives. Although women (contrary to popular belief) are more resistant to stress, their nervous reactions are more pronounced. Heat, depression, panic can affect treatment.
Folk remedies for neck osteochondrosis
Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women and their treatment are often associated with nervous reactions. Soothing tea is definitely highly recommended for women. They can be prepared from lemon balm, chamomile, mint. There are ready-made herbal preparations. This will improve overall health, sleep, and adapt to fight the disease.
You can use traditional medicine to relieve pain - radish leaves or burdock, steamed celandine ingredient. Compresses should not overheat - this is dangerous for the brain ducts. Homemade ointment is also suitable as a heating agent. You can prepare a mixture of mummy and butter (1: 1) or petroleum jelly with the addition of honey, mint and red pepper (in grams: 100: 20: 3: 2). Suitable for grinding and vodka peppers.
Bath with a pine needle (you can use ready-made extracts) or sea salt and oak leaves are ideal for a period of remission or to relieve temporary pain.
And naturally, women need to exercise regularly and lead an active enough lifestyle to strengthen the muscular corset around the spine.
It is not difficult to identify the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women, and the treatment is not impossible. It is more important that the women themselves pay more attention to themselves and lead a rational lifestyle.